Sunday, March 29, 2009
Saint Lucia Music
I'm going to bring a CD back for us to listen to. That way we can remember Saint Lucia! I Hope you enjoy this.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Electricity made from water!
We met a real Rastafarian named Sly Joseph. He has land near Karen's village. His land has a waterfall and pools of water. There is a rope that Jay and Kevin used to swing into a very large pool of water. It was very beautiful there.
Mr. Joseph eats mostly fruits and vegetables that are grown on his land. He shared a soursop with us and it tasted so good! It is a very sweet fruit.
Mr. Joseph also has a lot of pets. He has a donkey and a dog and fish that swim in his pond. He is a very nice man.
We learned that Mr. Joseph is far ahead of his time and we wish everyone could learn from him. He really cares about the earth and doesn't want to hurt it.
Fun times in a Real Volcano!
Hi 3D Erika and friends.
We had such a nice time yesterday. We had a very nice lunch at a very fancy restaurant between the two Pitons in Soufriere. Everyone is very proud of the Pitons. They are a national symbol here. The Pitons were considered sacred to the island's first inhabitants, the Arawaks and the Caribs. They are two huge volcanic mountains.
This is where we had lunch. Isn't it pretty? Jay didn't really want his picture taken, but Karen did it anyway. I think she is funny.
Well you will not believe what we did after lunch. We went right into a real volcano. It is right next to the Pitons in Soufriere which is on the western part of the island. You can look on the map to see where we were. The western part of the island is known for its beauty.
First we went to the Mineral Springs. It is so beautiful there. The springs are very warm because the water is heated in the volcano!! Lenny is our friend and couldn't wait to hold us for the video. Everyone had so much fun with us.
Anyway, we went right into the volcano. It is the worlds only drive-in volcano. How scary is that! Karen said not to worry
Anyway, we went into a stream where there are pools of very hot water and lots of mud from the ashes of the volcano.
Jay wanted to cover us with mud, but Karen said we could only watch here because she didn't want us to get dirty.
Karen, Jay and Kevin got mud all over their bodies! We all laughed very hard when we saw how silly they looked!
Passage on Fishing Boats
Hello everyone. My new friend came over yesterday. Her name is Yvette. She is eleven years old too! She lives across the street from us.
Before she got to know us, Jay and Kevin were telling her how much they love us. Yvette laughed because she doesn't know any men in the village that have flat friends. Then she got to know us and now we are good friends. So now she doesn't laugh at Kevin and Jay when they play with us!
Yvette just returned from Martinique. It is another island that is 25 miles from here. That's about the distance between where you are and Catalina island.
But here is the crazy part. You know how we take a big boat to Catalina? Well Yvette's dad is a fisherman and he takes the whole family there on his small fishing boat like the ones here!
Yvette says she likes it when her dad gets air. I think Yvette's family is very brave.Fishermen are very brave people. They go out early in the morning before the sun comes up. They travel way out to sea and fish all day long before coming home.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
We had visitors today!
While we were walking we met Darnley. Karen works with him. Darnley is telling them the story of Sir John Compton. He is the Father of Saint Lucia. Sir John was a banana farmer from Karen's village. He stood up to the people who owned the sugar plantations. He drove them off the island in the 1970s. He worked hard for the people and showed them how to grow banana's. When Saint Lucia gained their independence from the United Kingdom, he became the first Prime Minister. He died in 2007 and everyone really misses him.
William bought everyone lunch today! Wasn't that nice? We really liked meeting his family and it's something we will remember for a long time. Their children were so nice that when we took a picture they asked if they could hold us.
After lunch William and his family had to leave. We were sad to see them go. We ate so much food that we decided to go for a walk out to the point where the sea is rough. It takes about fifteen minutes to get their from Karen's house. We saw some cute goats and there were also a lot of cactus along the way. We were surprised to see all the cactus!
We finally got the sea. It is VERY scary! There are very big waves. It is beautiful and Karen says she likes to go there often.
Listen to Jay. He's talking to the goats. Isn't he funny!
This picture is of a rock. If you look very carefully the rock resembles the shape of Saint Lucia. Everyone likes to go there and admire the beauty!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
It's Special Olympics in Saint Lucia Time!
Hi everyone! We got dressed up today. I felt a little jealous because Flat Autumn had a pretty necklace and I didn't. Flat Autumn felt a little jealous because I had traditional dress and she didn't. Karen fixed that problem. She made a nice "EK" necklace for me and a new dress for Flat Autumn.
These students are from Vieux Fort, which is the town on the southern tip of the island. Vieux Fort (pronounced View Fort) It is a manufacturing town. Many companies come to Saint Lucia and the people assemble their products.
We stopped at a few places and the children cheered for their teams!
The children were very excited and had a lot of team spirit. They ran relay races, sprints, one hundred yard dashes and other sports. We had a great day.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Pigeon Point
There were a lot of birds eating things on the ground. Their feathers are good camoflauge. Can you find the bird in this picture? It's hard. You can click on the picture to make it bigger.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Sa Ka Fet! (What's Up?)
Friday, March 20, 2009
United Again!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
I'm in Jail!
Karen is working for a foundation and the Saint Lucian Government has given them permission to use the old Police Station. The real jail is at the new police station. We went to the Old Police Station to take pictures of what the building looked like before cleaning it up.
Isn't it a scary place? I promise to be VERY good!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Critters and Creatures
Bonjou! Mwen ni ywit lanne. Ki laj ou ye? As you can see I am learning a lot of Kweyol. I just said, Hello, I am eight years old. How old are you? I am feeling more grown up since my birthday earlier this week.
This is a picture of the village. Ask Jay to show you where we are living. He knows.
We have a lot of animals and creatures in our village and in
Look at this tiny frog. There are lots of them here in the village. They have very big eyes. I wonder if it makes them see better. What do you think?
Butterfly’s are always fun to look at. They are so pretty.
There are lots of goats. People tie them up so they don’t wander off. They sleep most of the day! Isn’t the baby goat cute?
The mother goat was calling her baby goat in this picture. The baby goat was upset because it could not figure out how to get to her mom.
Do you see the little hermit crab? He is hiding in his shell.
There are lots of humming birds on the island. Can you find him in the picture? You can click on it to make it larger.
Look at the crab! There are lots of them. People set traps, catch them and have them for dinner. Ah, poor crab.
Here’s an ant. They are smaller than ours. They are brown and there are lots of them. Karen set traps and killed them. Now she feels kind of bad.
Mombo and Crystal, our neighbors have a dog who just had puppies. Aren't they cute?
At night we hear crickets - lots of crickets. They sing all night long. About 4:00 in the morning the roosters start crowing. Roosters and chickens walk up and down our street. They are very noisy.
Well, that's about all for now.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
We had a nice day today. The cable stopped working and there is no water so we went to the Library and helped Egbert, the Librarian with his homework. He is very nice and really likes to see me.
I hope your day was as fun as mine. Write and let me know what you did. I love you!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Hi Mrs. Schneider's Class!!!
Bonjou! Sa Ka Fet! That means "Hello, what's up?" I heard that Mrs. Schneider is going to let the class visit my blog. I think Mrs. Schneider is very nice. I’d love to hear from you. I miss all of you. You can send a comment at the bottom of the post. Just click on “comment” and ask me a question or tell me what you think. I’ll write you back! At the end of each post you can tell me if you think I’m having a “Good Time” and if you “Wish you were here”. Just check the box.
Well, Karen and I had a big day today. We went to
We met with a lot of the volunteers at the Peace Corps Office. They put me right in the center of things as they discussed Peace Corps business. They are all so nice and were so happy to see me. They loved my new Kweyol clothes.
You can click on the pictures to make it bigger so you can see me better.
I thought you might want to know a little bit about how I live. One thing you might find strange is that we don’t have hot water here. No one does. We take cold showers and Karen heats the water in her electric kettle to wash the dishes.
Karen says she doesn’t worry too much about hot water – she just wants water. Many times, the water system breaks and we don’t have any. We have buckets in the shower filled with water. We use them when there is no water. Karen says that sometimes they don’t have water for two or three days at a time!
There are a lot of people without much money here. Most of the people in the village make money by fishing or growing bananas. Some people don’t have indoor plumbing or electricity. They have public facilities where people go to get water and take a shower or use the bathroom.
The man in the picture is a fisherman. He is cutting up his catch and will sell them to the local people here. Fisherman are very brave because they go way out to sea in very small boats to catch their fish.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Junior Achievement
Karen and I went to a conference last week in
The girls are the officers in a Junior Achievement Project at the Secondary School. Junior Achievement teaches students how to create a business, make a product and sell it. They are making dog tags and key chains and have sold a lot of them. They are very popular.
Junior Achievement is in schools all over the world! Karen said she was in Junior Achievement when she was in high school. She said that it was so much fun that’s why she wanted to work in the business field! She said that when we get to high school it is likely that we will have the opportunity to be part of Junior Achievement. I can hardly wait!