Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sa Ka Fet! (What's Up?)

Hi Erika and Autumn! We've been having a lot of fun.

Jay, Kevin and Flat Autumn were happy to see Karen and I at the airport! The airport is named Hewanorra. Hewanorra is a native Amerindian word meaning "where the Iguanas are found". The Amerindians were living on the island when it was discovered. They used to think that Christopher Columbus discovered the island, but they don't really know.

Yesterday we learned a lot. Flat Autumn and I went to Castries early in the morning. It took an hour to get there. Karen teaches a class at Monroe College on Saturday mornings.

Jay and Kevin took us around Castries while we waited for her. We found Rituals, which is a coffee shop like Starbucks. We were glad we found it because Jay didn't have coffee before we left!

After Karen was finished teaching we had lunch at Karen's favorite restaurant near the college. It is a vegetarian Rastafarian restaurant. We had rice, macaroni and cheese, plantains, pigeon peas, a salad and yucca.

After lunch we took a bus to Pigeon Point. I will tell you about that on my next post.


  1. Hi Flat Erika!
    Looks like you and your flat sister are having a blast. I bet you are enjoying the Rastafarian food! You need to make your sister a rob (dress) so she will fit in better. I bet Jay would love to help =). Good thing you found Jay some coffee, or you and flat Autumn might have had to push him on his flat deye. Hopefully Kev and Jay will be able to keep up with you, your flat sister and Karen on all the long hikes. Let us know how the bus ride to Pigeon Point went. We all make(miss) your flat selves.


  2. hi flat erika,
    i wish i could speak kweyol as well as your daddy, but i'm not that smart!!!! i could not be any happier: i have my mom, brother, st. lucia, and two flat sweethearts.

    life is too good,
    flat jay
